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5 Mistakes Every Budding Blogger Should Avoid

The Bloggers really get inspired to write very often. And the next thing they are seen doing is the building content for their blogs. But what would be the topics and what he/she will write on the blog. In this enthusiastic journey, those who don’t quit results to be a pro blogger. But, there are hundreds of mistakes that these bloggers do. Some of them are listed below for you to read and understand.

Blogging Mistakes

So, Bloggers do start really quick. But don’t they have to be completely informed about the steps and importance in blogging. Even, we at Blogogeek started with nothing in mind and that resulted to several mistakes. Some of them can be avoided by those who are just starting and also they can get quick rankings with these tricks. Every of the mistake is listed with a solutions and thus can help those ambitious bloggers to avoid these mistakes and create better blogs in less time. Even, if you have links, there are a lot of things that they should start with and keep in mind while actually building blogs.

So, remember that your blog is not that you might think of something to experiment with. You should think of your blog as a tree which needs to be watered and added with fertilizers to grow properly and give you some fruits. Here are the quick mistakes that i have done and seen many bloggers doing:

Not paying attention to links

New bloggers don’t pay attention to links. They build links, which are less useful or not useful at all. The links build by new bloggers are just some bit of waste links on big sites. They mistake those links to be useful and still are unable to find why there content is suffering.

How to link better?

Even in 2019, blog commenting works like charm. Although dofollow commenting sites are hard to find, commenting in high DA sites will also improve your website’s backlinks. You can search for blogs of your niche, or blogs that rank for your keywords, and post genuine comments under them. this will improve the engagement of that page and you get a backlink as well. Other backlinking options include social sharing and social bookmarking. PDF submission also help you to improve rankings through quality backlinks. Always keep in mind that, you are not doing this just for the sake of a link, but to be useful for the person who reads the content you posted in that site.

Once you starts to rank in top pages, you will get natural backlinks and don’t need to do any more manual backlinks for that content.

Not doing Keyword research

The starting Bloggers don’t even think about Keywords which results to be the worst mistake they could have ever made. The Keywords are actually what you should focus on from the start. Keywords are the main thing that can bring more traffic to your blog. The newbies just think of some idea and try the search queries for them.
Keyword research can bring you better results and you should focus on them only. Excluding those posts and articles who don’t have a large need and save your time. This is the oldest trick that someone can do to rank better. Even, your blog’s ranking will go down if you don’t look into your keywords. Here are the quick tips for doing that. Just do keyword research before publishing any post. Use the Google keyword planner tool in google Adwords and do an extensive keyword research. Find keywords with more search volume and include those throughout your content.

Wrong link building

Many times, bloggers think about doing link building without referring to the PR of the site or anything referring to the reputation of the site. Well, think about those waste links, even if you manage to link to them. Those links would only be a waste to you. Bot of your time and money (if you are paying for them).
Link building will only be useful if you refer to good PR sites. Focus on getting dofollow links but also keep in mind the ratio of your dofollow and nofollow links to be matching. Getting fifty links from low PR sites may give you less boosting than getting one link from a high PR site.

Not making quality content

After the 2019 June major algorithm update from Google, the debate is going on whether content is still the king. You need to provide quality content to get anything from search engines. If you don’t do that and write posts that have thin content, most probably you wont be able to rank higher because your competitor already has a post with good quality content. You may also loose your Domain Authority as well. If you don’t provide good content and just write titles that are worth nothing. Then, it is sure that you are wasting your valuable time and energy. I mean, what is the point of writing those posts when no one wants to read it. It will lead to high bounce rates and results in low SERP rankings.

Copying content

Bloggers making mistakes by copying the aritcles never do any profit to themselves or even the readers. The copied content you paste on your blog will not attract readers at all. Google will only consider the site with the best links and the content first published on. And so, your content will really easily rank down after it gets indexed. Everything you copy and paste will be waste as Google already has the content indexed from the other site. So, stop copying and write original content.
Google needs more and more original and useful content. by copying, you make both the possibilities go wrong. Even, every time you publish the copied content. It will make Google estimate you as a potential spammer and your site may also be banned, one and for all. Tools like Copyscape and Plagrisma will help you identify if your content is available anywhere else on the internet.


Focus on doing extensive keyword research and create killer contents based on them. Use keywords with higher search volume more often in the post. Make it long and detailed with 1500-2000 word count. Include headings and table of content section. Do internal linking to your other posts and pages. Share the content in your social profiles. All these minor aspects will help you rank higher in search results.

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