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COVID-19 pandemic was in many ways a blessing for the Digital Marketing sector. Consumer behavior and expectations drastically changed for the better. The pandemic period also saw the redefining of the relationship between brands and customers and the opening up of new channels of communication.

Brands were compelled to rethink their marketing strategies. More emphasis was placed on higher engagement with the audience through customized user experiences. The approach was to connect with the audience through Digital Marketing.

7 Significance Of Digital Marketing

The significance of Digital Marketing lies in its ability to help organizations

1. Compete With Big Companies

Running a business means having to compete with others in the marketplace. When big business giants like Reliance, Amazon, Google, etc., are in the market, it becomes tough for medium-sized and smaller companies to compete with them. 

However, with Digital Marketing, smaller companies stand a fighting chance to compete with them. They will be able to catch people’s attention, and garner interested leads, with the same fluency as the big companies. Furthermore, Digital Marketing channels like SEO, PPC, etc will allow them to compete and level the playing field. 

For instance, SEO helps smaller companies’ websites to optimize their pages and rank in the search results based on their relevancy. Likewise, PPC will ensure that Google ranks ads based on relevancy.

2. Target Precise Audience

Digital Marketing helps organizations in targeting audiences swiftly. By reaching out to the audience keen on their products/services, organizations will directly reach leads that matter to their business.

With Digital Marketing, organizations will also be able to input vital information about their audience and leverage it to shape their campaigns. This way, they can reach out to the right audience. 

A good example is Digital Marketing helping to segment the audience and target them with customized ad experiences. Similarly, parameters can be set for social media ad campaigns. This will make sure that only relevant people who matter will see the ad. It will help organizations to reach more leads and drive better results.

3. Monitor Campaigns

Organizations will be able to monitor campaigns and optimize them for successful results. Digital Marketing helps in easily tracking and monitoring campaigns. This will ensure that there will be no need to bother the audience with their feedback.

Every marketing campaign that is run can be tracked and monitored with a tracking system. The ROI and other vital metrics like clicks, shares, impressions, comments, conversions, and more, can be tracked, measured, and studied to glean vital inputs. The inputs can subsequently be used to fix campaign flaws and make changes to adapt to prevalent trends. Eventually, organizations will earn more benefits from their campaigns and be able to better conserve their budgets.

4. Earn Impressive ROI

It is said that for every $1 spent, Digital Marketing creates the potential to earn up to $44 in return. This means an ROI of 4400%.

When an investment is made in Digital Marketing, organizations can expect to earn higher returns. Email Marketing is a good example that offers one of the highest ROIs out of all methods. It is very cost-effective that does not require much money for running a campaign.

Likewise, a PPC campaign or Social Media ad campaign also does not cost much, when compared to traditional methods. This will help organizations’ to conserve their money, at the same time, grow, and thrive.

5. Garner Larger Conversion Rates

Digital Marketing offers organizations the potential to determine their success rate in real-time. This can be achieved by using any one of the many approaches it offers. For instance, SEO, Social Media Marketing, and Email Marketing are some approaches. They help create a swift secure channel to connect with the customers’, enabling them to offer a high success rate.

With Digital Marketing, instant contact can be established with the precise audience. This will help fuel better direct conversions.

6. Facilitate Greater Growth Opportunities

With tighter competition and growing costs, organizations will look to conserve their finances. Digital Marketing will allow them to select a marketing strategy that is based on their budget and targets a bigger audience at an affordable price.

Reaching out to a bigger audience will also enable organizations to harvest greater growth benefits and opportunities. By tapping the benefits and opportunities skillfully, organizations will be able to attract more business and eventually, revenues.

7. Create Brand Awareness

Digital Marketing provides various digital channels that can be used for creating brand awareness among people. The secret to success herein lies in using appropriate digital channels. 

For instance, social media channels are many. Organizations need to select those channels that will help them connect with their audience and benefit their growth. The platforms they select must have informative posts. This will grab eyeballs; create instant brand awareness; and generate lasting impressions.

Despite all its many significances, Digital Marketing will succeed only if organizations have a proper digital marketing strategy driven by clear strategic goals. This will enable them to understand the dynamics of the marketplace and allocate sufficient resources to different marketing activities. Eventually, it will ensure that their marketing campaigns proceed in the right direction.


Digital marketing can be complex and challenging in a tight marketplace. It can be even more so for organizations that fail to adapt and innovate their marketing strategies. 

The need of the hour is to properly understand the importance of Digital Marketing and leverage it. If that is done, then it can help organizations to unearth successful opportunities and harness them for successful outcomes.