Mobile Data Collection Software/Tools

Working with field staff is quite a task, if you’re working manually that is with cell phones. But the same task becomes a breeze, the moment you switch the technology that is cell phones to Mobile data collection software.

Features of ConnectmyWorld App?

It is an Integrated Field Staff Management & Customer Care System that works like an online platform. It makes it easy to track location of field staff and clients and it also perform other necessary tasks like task assignment, job management, invoice management and quick resolution of tasks.
Let’s discuss advantages of the field staff management software

Live tracking

Biggest advantage of the software and also the prime objective of the software is live tracking of field staff and clients. The software will show you where your field executives are and the executives can see client location on a map on the software. It uses GPS for tracking staff and also for determining location of clients. In case the employees are out of GPS coverage area, the software switches to cell tower triangulation for live tracking.

Task assignment

Live tracking helps in assigning task or you can say in task scheduling. When you can see location and position of your field employees, you can easily assign tasks to the employees. For instance, you can send employees to clients that are closest to the employees. In this way, you can help your employees save time that they can use in providing better service.

Quick resolution of jobs

When you’ve lot of tasks, you can prioritize the work for quick resolution of the tasks. For instance, you can provide your clients a definite time in which they can expect service. The software will make time calculation easy for you.


The employees can mention their job timings on the software. It is timesheet making. You can see which of the employees are free for new jobs and which are busy with their present jobs. Also the employees can mark their attendance on the software. For timesheet making, they only need entering starting and closing time of jobs. The software will record the entries in a hassle free and error free manner.


If a client asks for a quote, the field employee can easily calculate an expected price for the job requested and forward the quote to the client. Similarly an invoice can be prepared. The software can keep record of payments including overdue payments and add the overdue payments to the invoice.

Mobile Data Collection Software/Tools
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Download Connectmyworld

Employee location tracking with the Integrated Field Staff Management & Customer Care System will bring speed and transparency to your business or service you provide. The software will help boost output of staff and also in collecting payments. There will be no hassle, once you start using the software.

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